Linda and Stuart retired from the BC Forest Service at the end of June 2009. They decided to sell their home in Kamloops, buy a new 38ft Bighorn 5th wheel and a Dodge diesel 3500 and go on the road with No Fixed Address.



Sunday, November 8, 2009


Nov 8/09

It’s been an amazingly warm start to November and we are finding it quite comfortable at these temperatures. We have the heat tape and insulation on the water hose and we keep the inside of the RV warm with the fireplace and an additional electric heater.

We’ve been enjoying the facilities here at the resort and have established a regular workout routine with the weight machine, treadmill and stationary bike. We’ve also walked into Winfield a few times on the back roads to go to the library and purchased a few groceries. Exercise with a purpose is very enjoyable.

Yesterday, we went on an outing up into the hills to Beaver Lake, which is to the east of Winfield. It is about 16 km on a rough road that is paved part of the way but the gravel portion was smoother than the pavement most of the time. We had thoughts about driving to the Forest Service Recreation site on the lake and tossing a fishing line in the water. Not!! The lake’s elevation is obviously higher than that at home and the road to the site was covered in snow and ice. Time to give up on open water fishing for us.

We had friends from Armstrong visit us for a few hours this afternoon and it was so nice to see familiar faces and talk about things in common. We’ve visited with other friends in the past few weeks and we realize how much those relationships are missed when you are on the road. Sure, we talk to people we meet every day but it is nothing like sharing your life events with those who know you well.

Cherish your friends while you have them close to you.

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About Me

Grand Forks - Spring/Summer/Fall, British Columbia, Canada
Linda is Stuart's wife: referred to by him as, "She who must be obeyed" LOL